Nomination Guidelines For VUHAI 2025.

Vigor Unsung Heroes Awards International 2025

We seek to honour those who ordinarily would not receive recognition or be publicly appreciated for their selfless efforts to enhance the lives of people around them, through their unrewarded volunteering or humanitarian work, or by their acts of valour in extraordinary circumstances.
Vigor Awards International is the perfect way to show appreciation for the modern hero of today. Nominate a community leader, religious adviser, philanthropist, humanitarian, volunteer, or someone who has affected the world in a positive way. Nominate a hero you know of that you believe deserves a reward or form of recognition.

The Vigor Award Standard

What Is a Vigor Awards Nominee?
You’re probably asking yourself this question, and wondering if anyone you know might qualify to be nominated for a Vigor Award. Do you know anyone who exemplifies these qualities? If so, let us know right away!

  • Someone who meets a need, reacts in the moment, or feels strongly about some injustice in the world;
  • who faithfully serves one or more people or the community as a whole;
  • whose service or sacrifice involves a risk to their own physical comfort, social stature, or quality of life; and
  • who initiated this activity without the expectation of material gain.
  • If you think others will be inspired by their story, then nominate them today.

Who We Are

Vigor Awards International is a non-profit organization built to take time out and award and show appreciation to heroic individuals who show little to no selfishness for themselves and dedicate themselves to others.

Vigor Awards is an annual two-day event where nominees, award winners, presenters and friends meet together for dancing, fine dining, networking, and most importantly an award ceremony to give back to the finest people in the world.

Rules for Nominations

Rules for nominations

  • To accept the award, we would appreciate the recipients to be present at the award show
  • Nominations need to be made a month before the event date.
  • After all nominations are received, an impartial and qualified team will carefully review and evaluate all of the nominations based on a specially designed set of criteria and will choose the nominees who will receive trophies at the event.  The Nominations Committee’s decisions are final.

*All nominees are our heroes but there are a limited number of trophies given out at the event. Not all nominees will receive a trophy. 
*Only confirmed nominees will receive a free ticket to the event.  The Nomination Confirmation only includes the ticket for the Confirmed Nominee and no other guests.  Any guests who wish to accompany the nominee must purchase their own tickets in advance. Please be aware that seating is limited, so get your tickets early.  Any nominees who have not been confirmed will also have to purchase their own ticket to the event – only confirmed nominees are invited free to the event.

What are the Dates I Need to Know?

  • Nominee Submission Period: For the Windsor event: TBD
  • Nominee Selection Period: For The Windsor Event: TBD
  • Vigor Awards Gala Night: TBD

How do I Nominate Someone?

Fill in the online form on this page completely and submit (Nominations need to be made a month before the event date to be considered).  Remember to be specific and give details about your nominee, and the reason(s) for this nomination.  We need details in order to make decisions.  Failure to complete the form properly may mean your nominee misses their opportunity to be honoured.   Once you’ve filled in the form fully, click “Submit Nomination”.   If your nomination has been successfully transmitted, you’ll see a “success” message on your screen. If you provided us with your e-mail address, we’ll also send a confirmation your nomination has been received. And yes, we read each and every one.

How are Nominees or Winners Determined?

The Nominations Committee reads the stories sent in each category then we contact Nominees and set up an interview to validate the stories. We also do our own private research. But our research is no substitute for your diligence in completing this form. We need details in order to make decisions.  Failure to complete the form properly may mean your nominee misses their opportunity to be honoured.  If the nomination is found credible, the Confirmed Nominees will be officially invited to the award show and winners will be announced at the ceremony.
*Acceptance of gifts and incentives is strictly prohibited.  Offering gifts and incentives is also strictly prohibited and causes for disqualification and possibly a ban from Vigor Awards.
Members of the Nominations Committee are instructed and required to conduct interviews and research stories in a manner that preserves the integrity and professionalism of the awards.

What Should I Consider Before Nominating Someone?

Who are Vigor people? 
They are your neighbours, your friends, your colleagues and your parents.
They are Vigor Award Heroes, each of whom shows how one person can truly make a difference.

Again this year, Vigor Awards encourages you to tell us about these everyday people changing the world — by nominating them here. Taking a few minutes to share their story with us could propel them to worldwide recognition.

Maybe someone’s selflessness has directly impacted your life.

What to write:
It’s easy to nominate an everyday person changing the world, but a thoughtful, well-written nomination is essential to help your hero to stand out from the thousands we receive. Here are some suggestions we hope will help you in crafting your nomination for consideration.

• Think about what makes your hero special. Ask yourself: What makes my nominee unique? What specific accomplishment has he or she achieved that is truly remarkable? What impact has his or her work had on others? We encourage you to go through the stories of Nominees to familiarize yourself with the achievements of the inspiring individuals we honour as “everyday people changing the world.”

• Take a look at our nomination form. We suggest you review the information requested about yourself, your nominee and his or her work before filling out your submission.

• Tell us about your hero. Take your time and write from the heart. Remember: What you share — in your own words — is the most essential factor in advancing a nomination for further consideration. You can enter your answers to the essay questions directly on the form, or write them first in a word-processing document and “cut and paste” them into each answer field. Please note the information you provide will be used in accordance with our privacy policy.

• Click “Submit Nomination”. If your nomination has been successfully transmitted, you’ll see a “success” message on your screen. If you have provided us with your e-mail address, we’ll also send a confirmation that your nomination has been received. And yes, we read each and every nomination form submitted.

Who is Eligible for a Nomination?

Anyone who is selflessly working, despite the cost to themselves, to make a difference in the world, their community, or in the life (lives) of others. 

Why Should I Nominate Someone?

By nominating someone, you draw attention to their good deeds and help inspire other people around the world to rise up and make a difference, as only they can. A nomination or a win has the potential to boost and encourage people to want to do more. It also reminds them that we appreciate the work they are doing. It gives us an opportunity to celebrate kindness.